Eat to thrive with Boulder’s Community Prepared Meal Service.

Check out a sample menu

Vegan Menu

A plant based menu. Dairy free. Contains no animal products.

Plant Powered + Meat

A plant forward menu that includes 1 sustainable animal protein.


We offer affordable, nutrient dense, locally grown food, served-up fresh every week

That support you and your family to thrive in every area of your life. It’s our joy to prepare balanced meals filled with super-foods, so you can live a life of balance yourself and devote your energy to whatever lights you up!

Our Quick 5 Step Process

Sign up or Login to your Radiant Kitchen account.

Take a look at this weeks nutritious menu options.

Place your order by the Sunday of each new week.

Pick up your food every Wednesday or have it delivered to your door.

Eat to thrive with us. Re-heat, save time and tuck in.


A La Carte Offerings

Our a la carte offerings are the perfect enhancement to your meal and wellness routine designed to give you the nutritional experience you need to thrive. Enjoy superfood lattes, teas, juices, soups, and sweet treats. Our offerings are crafted with locally-sourced ingredients and designed to give you the nutritional experience you need to thrive.


Whose Talking


Everyone has a seat at our table.

With a local farm fueling the food, we’re all about community and local sourcing. That means that we cater to YOU and the rest of the community too. Learn about our community bowl project. By eating Radiant Kitchen’s food, you support the community to get fed.